Adult Acting and Improv – Tuesdays 8 to 9:15 pm – Spring 2024
$ 295.00
Adult Acting & Improv
Beginners through seasoned pros are welcome to join this non-intimidating group for what we find to be some much needed acting therapy! In this class, students will explore: Improv Comedy and Scene Study. For those acting professionally, coaching your audition scenes in class is always welcome.
Tuesdays, 8 to 9:15 pm
Tuesdays, 8 to 9:15 pm
7-week session: April 30; May 7, 14, 21*, 28*; June 4, 11.
Classes will be held at beautiful Toquet Hall in downtown Westport:
58 Post Rd E, Westport, CT (at the bottom of Main Street; enter from the alley on the Post Rd or through the more hidden alley on the library side next to the book store.)
*May 21 and 28 classes will be held on the stage at Westport Country Playhouse.
Taught by Keith Contreras-McDonald
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